Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bring A Revolution In Shoes

Cheap MBT Shoes, Bring A Revolution In Shoes was invented by a Swiss engineer Karl Muller. In a visit to Korea, he found that walking barely in the paddyfield relieved his pain at the back. Karl Muller set out to develop a technology about barefoot and determined to design a kind of comfortable when he got back to itzerland. To create a status of unsmooth similar to the Korean paddyfield or tropical soft grassfield in Eastern Africa for those citizens who have to walk on the hard groud. After many years of research and development, finally were released to the market in 1996 and attracted consumers’ great interest. Currently, it has already had very huge commercial networks, sold in over 20 countries. Every year, this revolutionary product sells about one million pairs of shoes. The reason for its selling fast is that MBT hopes that it could help people all over the world to have a healthier, more active and more joyful life. MBT believes that human’s beauty and health are greatly influenced by the way of walking which has already been proved by many scientific researches. Thus, MBT tries to let people know the right way of walking in accordance with physiology through the promotion of the ideas and concepts of MBT Health Shoes. And it brings the benefits of right walking way which is consistent with physiology to people in a direct and simple way.

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